Time of Use Plan
Duncan Valley Electric Cooperative's Time-of-Use Rate Plan
Most of us are willing to make a change in our plans or lifestyles to save a few dollars. For example, how many get up early and fight the crowds for the after Thanksgiving Christmas sales, or are willing to book an airline flight at a later or earlier time to cut the cost of travel. Have you considered changing your electric usage times to save some money?
Duncan Valley Electric Cooperative members have saved, on average, over thirty dollars a year by being on our Time-of-Use rate. By reducing your energy usage during peak times (see chart below), you have the opportunity to lower your annual energy costs — without reducing the overall amount of electricity you use. On-peak times are only in effect Monday through Friday. Off-peak times are in effect all day Saturday, Sunday, and the following holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day.
Frequently Asked Questions for Time-of-Use rates
Why do we need a Time-of-Use (TOU) rate?
As the need for more electricity rises, so does the cost to acquire that electricity. TOU rates help reduce demand for electricity during peak times of the day. This reduction in peak usage helps keep the overall cost of electricity down for the cooperative, and the cooperative can pass those savings on to you the member.
Do I qualify?
This rate was introduced at the request and approval of the Arizona Corporation Commission. It is currently available only for Arizona customers who have single phase service. Visit our rates section to see the full tariff with all conditions, prices, and terms.
How much of my usage will need to be off-peak for me to save money?
In general, if you use more than 1000 kWh per month, and you can use about 77% of your usage during off-peak times, you will see a savings.
What can I do to shift my energy usage?
Often, just a few small adjustments can save you money if you are willing to stick to the plan. First, evaluate what appliances and equipment are your biggest users of electricity. In general, electric devices that heat or cool are the big users. Some of these items include water heaters, air conditioners and heaters, clothes washers and dryers, dishwashers, hot tubs/saunas, pool pumps, and welders. Next, decide if you can either delay starting or start earlier activities that use these electric devices. For devices that you only use occasionally or on a set periodic schedule, consider doing those activities on Saturday or Sunday which are always off peak times.
Some examples of ways to shift your usage times are:
- Use the delay timer setting on your washing machine or dishwasher to use it during off-peak times. Or only use them during those periods.
- Do laundry and vacuuming on weekends.
- Install a programmable thermostat to automatically adjust temperatures for on-peak and off-peak hours.
- Do your baking and cooking on weekends or during other off-peak times. You will only use a small amount of energy to reheat the meal later.
- Timers can make it easy to concentrate your electric usage during off-peak times. Plug-in appliance timers are available for a modest price from most hardware and home improvement stores. They can be used to control room air conditioners or heaters, pool pumps, and even that extra freezer that you open only occasionally. For hard wired devices such as a water heater, consult with an electrician or heating and plumbing contractor for installation of a timer. A timer allows the device to only come on during off-peak times. You will need to adjust the timers twice a year to accommodate the winter and summer off-peak times.
How do I get on this rate plan?
Request a consultation with one of our staff members to evaluate your usage history and discuss your electric usage patterns for your home or business. After we analyze your usage patterns we can make a non-binding recommendation. Your actual savings will be based on how committed you are to shifting your usage to the off-peak times. Because of the higher rate for on-peak usage, there is a potential that your costs could increase. After discussing the rate plan and your usage history and patterns, and you feel you can benefit from this rate, one of our staff members will provide you with the paperwork to fill out. A TOU meter will be installed at your facility, and the rate will take effect at the start of your next billing cycle.
What if I try the rate and don't save money?
You may discontinue the Time-of Use rate at at any time, and go back to the standard offer rate. No adjustments will be made to prior bills, if you would have paid less under the standard Single Phase rate, and you will not be allowed to switch back to the Time-of-Use rate for a period of at least 12 months.