Officers of the cooperative are President, Vice-President, and Secretary-Treasurer. The officers are elected annually by and from the Board of Directors.
Current officers of the cooperative:
President: | Tom Lovett |
Vice-President: | Tom Powers |
Secretary-Treasurer: | Johnnie Frie |
To facilitate the effectiveness of the Board of Directors in fulfilling their responsibilities and to assist the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) in his/her administrative duties, directors are appointed to the following committees by the President of the Board of Directors.
Standing Committees
Made up of directors who serve on the respective committees throughout the year.
Executive Committee
President (chairman), Vice‑President, and Secretary/Treasurer.
- Shall act for the Board of Directors in emergency situations when the full Board cannot be convened. The Committee shall obtain ratification of its action as soon as possible.
- Shall act as liaison between the Board and CEO on all matters.
Current committee members:
President: | Tom Lovett |
Vice-President: | Tom Powers |
Secretary-Treasurer: | Johnnie Frie |
Budget & Finance Committee
Secretary/Treasurer (chairman), and at least two other members of the Board.
- Shall assist the CEO in preparing the annual budget, and to recommend action to the Board.
- Shall serve as the Cooperative's Audit Committee.
- Shall recommend to the Policy Committee any policies relating to the financial requirements of the Cooperative.
Current committee members:
Chair: | Johnnie Frie |
Committee Member: | Dustie Robinette |
Committee Member: | Larry Avila |
Labor Committee
Vice President (chairman), and at least two other members of the Board.
- Shall assist the CEO on all personnel problems and recommend appropriate action to the Board.
- Shall review employee wages and benefits annually, and recommend appropriate action to the Board of Directors.
- Shall perform conflict of interest review annually.
- Shall recommend to the Policy Committee any policies relating to personnel matters.
Current committee members:
Chair: | Tom Powers |
Committee Member: | Ernie Garcia |
Committee Member: | Tom Lovett |
Bylaw & Policy Committee
A chairman and at least two other members of the board.
- Shall review all policies annually.
- Shall see that any new policies or policy changes are accurately reflected in the policy manual
- Shall see that the directors and employees (if affected) receive copies of all new and changed policies.
- Shall review all board minutes annually.
- Shall review bylaws annually.
The current committee members:
Chair: | Dustie Robinette |
Committee Member: | Ernie Garcia |
Committee Member: | Bill Cuthbertson |
Community Engagement Committee
A chairman and at least two other members of the board.
- Shall carry out the objectives of communication reflected in the policy manual, as well as be responsible for the overall public affairs of the cooperative.
- Development and ongoing coordination of a calendar of events.
- Development and ongoing coordination of a public communications plan as outlined in policy manual.
- Shall meet at least quarterly and additionally as needed.
The current committee members:
Chair: | Tom Lovett |
Committee Member: | Larry Avila |
Committee Member: | Bill Cuthbertson |
Special Committees
Made up of directors and other members to serve for a specific purpose on a limited, as needed basis.
Elections Committee
A chairman (board president or other appointed director) and one member from each of the cooperative's districts.
- Shall meet to count the ballots cast for bylaw changes and director elections.
Scholarship Committee
A chairman (board president or other appointed director) and at least one member from each of the cooperative's districts.
- Shall meet to review scholarship applications for the Judy White Memorial Scholarship, and to recommend action to the Board.